“Oona delivers, she understands you and the organisation. She has longevity and has been with us for a decade and is constantly evolving and challenging and encouraging us to evolve. I think that is pretty unique.”

Andrew Hay
Global Head of Residential, Knight Frank

Transformational teams

High-impact shift in business results

Our Transformational Teams programmes are for organisations that are looking to achieve transformational results to deliver on their strategic goals.  We work with executive boards, management teams and senior operational teams to deliver their commercial results.


With intense competition and rapidly-evolving markets, your organisation may be facing critical business challenges that need to be addressed fast. Yet it may be challenging to find an effective way to get the results you need and to get your team on board.

How to grow market share, retain top talent, win more business and cross-sell more effectively; how to deliver exquisite service; how to build stronger client relationships or increase client loyalty – these are the challenges that our clients typically face when they come to us.  What our clients share in common is a pressing need for immediate and tangible high-impact results.


Our team coaching programmes for senior executives and top teams create a shift in how you work and generate far-reaching results. As a direct result of our programmes, organisations achieve their commercial goals.

For more information, please download the Team programme pdf or contact us to discuss how we can help achieve your commercial goals.

Our Signature Programmes

We offer six signature programmes which we fully customise to your specific situation:


Leading in Turbulent Times – Virtual Team Programme – Build resilience, motivate teams, generate revenue, and develop client loyalty.  These are some of the key factors when navigating change.  A practical virtual programme for teams to reflect and decide on the key priorities that will enable them to thrive vs survive when faced with challenge and changing circumstances. Download the pdf.


Building High-Performing Executive Teams – Fast track your top team performance using an effective profiling tool that offers commercial insight into team dynamics. Get the best from everyone tapping into their natural talents and develop relationships for enhanced performance. Ideal for business planning and strategy implementation.


Winning Business – The Conversational Art of Selling – How to increase your pitch success rate through Emotional Intelligence.  A high-impact programme about what makes the difference in winning new business.


Driving Success – How to instil behaviour and culture change around critical strategic goals.  A modular programme for Senior Executives and Top Teams that combines executive team coaching with one-to-one coaching.


Building a Leadership Coaching Culture – How to coach your team to deliver high levels of performance .  An intensive programme about how to adopt a coaching style of leadership to transform your team’s motivation and results.


Clients for Life – You’ve won the business, how do you keep it?  A very practical programme about how to ensure you keep the clients you’ve won for lifetime value through exquisite service.